Sunday, July 31, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady

Upon restarting this blog I had a lot of fun going through a re-reading all of my old posts from 2007. Some were just plain dumb and I deleted them. Some I left because I either liked them or thought they were important. One thing I noticed was how often I post about cats, mine or others. Why do I do this?

I really think that somewhere deep down inside me is a crazy cat lady dying to get out!

I have a cat but not exactly by choice. Many years ago my friends had a cat who I believe was misunderstood. They were ready to put him down because of his annoying behaviors. I couldn't handle it so he is now mine.

Meet Mortimer!

Here come my confession. I really hate having a cat in my house most of the time. Don't get me wrong. I love cats, I love animals in general, but in my house? It's gross. There's cat hair everywhere! I'm an OCD neat freak. It's a never ending battle, then he tracks cat littler all over. Lets face it, when you have a cat in your house, you also have a box of poop in your house. My cat is also "special." He does not always use his little box as he should! Ewwww! I mean really, if I'm going to invest my time into caring for something, I'd like it to be a human, preferably and child and/or husband! There are days when I look forward to the time in my life when I no longer have an animal living in my house....but then my heart takes over.

I can't handle strays! They break my heart. I came home to one tonight sitting on my stoop. He was waiting for me to pet him (we do this routine often.) I desperately wanted to feed his skinny little body, pick him up and bring him inside where he will have a happy life. Why does my mind always go there. Why can't I be heartless live everyone else and just walk past. But seriously, I'm sitting here at the computer wondering if he's still out on the stoop wishing I would love him. (Can you hear my heart breaking?) The reality is if Mortimer wasn't so darn nasty to other animals I'd probably be that crazy cat lady with of heard living in her home!

(This does not bode well for my hopes of one day leaving the 'singles' category!)

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