Wednesday, September 21, 2011

School's Back in Session...

Yup, So school has started again, which means free time has become non-existent. I will say that I am handling it better than last year. Hardly any take home work so far and I've been leaving semi on time which is awesome! The problem is, I'm exhausted. I've been desperately trying to stick to my 10:30 bed time which is the main reason for my lack of posting (since most of those usually happen around mid-night.)

So here's my issue...housework and stuff! How do people get this done and still sleep!?! I've been walking through the door between 6 and 6:30 each night which means I have about 4 hours to get things done and go to bed. So I eat dinner, do dishes from said dinner and from lunch, prepare lunch for the next day, clean the litter boxes (2 of them,) lay out clothes for the next day. Then there are some nights when I have to pay bills, do laundry, fold laundry, vacuum, empty the trash, etc.

When is there time left to enjoy life!?!

I mean it's so depressing to think that my life consists of working and doing chores all week. Cause then the weekend comes and I only have 2 days to fit everything else in. It sucks!!! And I'm single!!! How do married people do this? How to mom's do this? When is there time to do anything. The best question do working mothers do this!?! This thought in unfathomable to me! It just seems impossible.

Am I just a slow worker. Does it take me twice as long to do things then the average person? How do people just go home and relax at night!?! When do they gets things done? Do they just live in filth? How does this work!?!

Another one of life's unanswered questions. (at least for me!)

1 comment:

Jess said...

um, remember when you came over last week? my house was a mess. often the case... not always, but often. it's hard to keep up on everything. real life.