Back to school is my least favorite time of the year. I'm stressed out constantly and I feel like I'm drowning in overwhelmed induced OCD. This year has been the worst. My only reprieve was going away for 4 days to North Carolina for a worship leaders retreat. (And can I just say this was a retreat in every sense of the word!) I had a blast, hung out with some of my favorite people, met new awesome people and loved every second of it. I even accidentally went to Tennessee on the way adding another state to the list of states I've have actually been to. (another post for another time!)
My favorite photo from the trip!
While there I heard some new songs. Some were good, some were bad, but all were interesting. Worship music had been a point of interest for me lately since I have been imputing every song our church sings into it's new worship data base. It has been a time consuming tedious process (over 200 songs.) My dear friend Jim was kind enough to give us access to his data base so that some of our songs could simply be cut and pasted from his to ours, avoiding actually having to type out each song. We were able to transfer more than 50% of our music which was a huge help!
The interesting thing about having access to his data base was seeing just how many songs they have in there. If our church has over 200 I think it's safe to estimate that his church has almost 2,000. It was ridiculous. But what was worse were some of the titles. Oh, some were so bad I laughed out loud.
So here's my go big or go home moment. I've stepped (more like dipping one big toe) into song writing. I DON'T LIKE IT!!! It is an entirely new level of venerability that I just do not enjoy. It's the sharing with other people part that is so difficult for me. What if they hate it. Then it came time for a title. Oh Crap! How can I possibly pick just a few words that will be the initial judgment of this song. How do I pick one small phrase that will represent this little piece of my heart!?! It made me feel bad for judging other people's titles. Who am I to make fun of their heartfelt work?
I'm pretty sure I've chosen a title. (Don't bother asking, I'm not sharing it yet. Consider this post a huge teaser!) What I can say is that I checked CCLI and there are only 18 songs on there with the same title (and none were published by Vineyard Music.) That number may seem high but it's really not considering there are almost 100 songs with the title "Holy, Holy."
(*Phew! That post was all over the place, maybe it will get my creative blogging juices flowing again!*)