I am currently unemployed.
This phrase has a certain stigma that comes with it. As if someone has encountered a unfortunate event that had caused them to lose their job and are now in that terrifying process of finding another one a quickly as possible. But this is not the case.
I have chosen my fate and have entered into this on my own accord.
I know this is completely against what one thinks of as the norm. I'm aware that to some I appear crazy. Some days I think I too am crazy. But none the less, I have made this decision. It was not something I entered into lightly. I contemplated this for 8 agonizing months. At the end I came to the conclusion that although my job was not a bad job, it was not a good job for me.
I have never been more confident of any decision I've ever made. The peace that I've felt in going completely against the norm with no plan ahead has be the exact confirmation I needed.
But what comes next.
I do not know.
That is the best I can do. I truly don't know. There is a huge table currently before me with a banquet full of options, but I have yet to feel a particular craving in one direction or another nor have I felt that I have been specifically instructed on which item to chose. My options are endless.
-Get another teaching job
-Get another job altogether
-Become a vagabond traveling the country enjoying all of the beauty it has to offer.
-Spend time in a foreign country serving others in need.
-the list goes on and on...
Throughout the past few weeks I had the question "what are you going to do?" coming at my from every direction. Trust me, if I new I would tell you, but also trust that my not knowing is not due to irresponsibility, inexperience, or simply apathy. I'm waiting, and trying to wait patiently. I'm looking around diligently at all of my options and hoping that I am guided into the correct direction. I am weighing all of my options, consulting all of my people, and praying fervently that God will guide me.
If you are the praying kind and would like to join me in this request for clarity and direction, I would be much obliged.