Sunday, February 10, 2013

I Am A Fighter

I once heard a very wise man say...

"When people don't know what it is that they're supposed to fight for, they fight with each other."  

This statement has become so true in my life this past week.  Not that I'm necessarily a fighter, but I'm a grumbler, a wallower, and a complainer.  So in a way I fight with myself most of the time.  Fight with my mind, my brain, my body, and spend countless hours being irritated with the world around me.   

This week, after a long and rough seven months I was reminded what it is I am made to fight for.  What it is that I am supposed to invest my time in.  That is the joy, the freedom of others.  

On two occasions this week I invested myself in this fight, and what a difference it has made in my own life in return.  I've been happier, more peaceful, lighter, and less angry with the world.  I've been pushed to continue in this way.  I've extended more grace to others and judged less.  I've been joyful.  And none of this was because of anything that I did to myself or worked on to obtain, it was because of what I poured out for others.  What an amazing return on my investment.  I give, and through that giving I receive in return.  

I am a fighter.  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

My Brain

Each night I lay out my clothes before I go to bed.  I'm barely coherent in the afternoon, let alone the morning.  This is just one little step I eliminate from my morning in order to save time.  Something that takes me 3 minutes at night could take me 20 in the morning.  

Tonight I went to pick out my clothes.  Let face it, I wear the same three things 99% of the time, it's not that difficult.  But tonight the combination of dirty clothes plus the need for extra warmth during this wintry season made things difficult and I could not decide.  I chose on thing and laid it out, then chose something different and put that out that on top of the first choice, then chose a third thing and piled that on top, (just in case tomorrow morning I decide that one would be better of course.)  
I'm feeling indecisive.  

Now I'm in bed with a huge pile of clothes sitting on my chair awaiting for my morning decision.  That's when it occurred to me...I could have just left my wardrobe in it's drawers and chosen tomorrow, yet somehow in my mind this method makes so much more sense.  

Welcome to my brain...

Please make sure you're seat belts are fastened and your tray tables are in the uprights position...
it's going to be a bumpy ride!