Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Back to the Ghetto

Well it's true, Ghetto Fabulous has returned. My cell phone (which broke and was replaced a few months ago) has broken again! The same problem, it won't ring! I'm back to putting the phone on vibrate and putting it in a metal bowl with my keys. Now whenever my phone rings it makes this crazy vibrating noise that scares the crap out of the cat. It's so ghetto.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

My ability to tell time...

Yesterday morning (friday) my alarm went off and it was time to get up. Typically I set two alarms, my bedroom clock and my cell phone. I'm addicted to the snooze button so I set my phone alarm which tells me I can no longer hit snooze and I absolutely have to get up. Yesterday morning my cell phone never went off.

When I realized it didn't go off I checked my cell phone and the time was an hour behind. I was extreamly confused. My clock said it was 6:56 and my phone said it was 5:56. Was I having a dyslexic moment? If I was wouldn't I be misreading both clocks? Was I just that tired and asleep still that I had lost my ability to tell time? I had no idea. I decided to remedy this situation by going into the kitchen and reading the face clock. This would rule out the dyslexic issue. The kitchen clock said it was 7. I accepted that as the real time and got in the shower.

While I was in the shower I realized that daylight savings was around this time of year. Had I missed it? Was daylight saving last night and somehow I had compleatly ignored it? At this point I'm panicing, thinking that I had gotten up an hour earlier than I needed to when I was exhausted. After I got out of the shower I came into the living room. It still seemed really dark outside. I decided to turn the news on, if anyone would know what time it really was they would. I turned on the TV and it said it was 7:15. Finally I new what time it was.

I went back into the bedroom, looked at my cell phone and it said it was 7:15. At this point I'm thinking WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE!!! Was I going crazy? Was I that tired that I really couldn't tell time? Did I dream the entire situation? I felt very confused. I went to work but thought about it all day. Finally in the afternoon I found out that there was a problem with Verizion and that between 4 and 7 AM all the clocks on the cell phones were an hour early. What a morning that caused me!!!

It's amazing how out of control everything feels when you have no idea what time it is.