Saturday, July 30, 2011


I am loud. I laugh loud, I often talk loud, I even type loud! At work this is never a problem since all of my students are hearing impaired but for the rest of my life it can be a bit...well...loud.

I am a loud agreer. (is that a word?) Whenever I hear something I like, or agree with I give a little "hmm," "yeah" or "nice." It's almost like it's beyond my control. Last night I was at a concert for the wonderfully talented Adam Crossley. He loves dissonance in his music. I love dissonance in music. Every time he play a really dissonant chord I let out one of my 'I really like that' sounds. I was unaware I was even doing it until a friend pointed it out. Why do I do this?

Sometimes it's not that big of a deal but I've done this is some venues where it would seem really inappropriate. Last night it was OK. Adam is a very comedic entertainer so my loud laughter and incessant agreeing noise making were not bothering him. It just makes me wonder where this came from. No one in my family does this. Am I just that passionate that I can't hold in my thoughts? Is this an impulse control issue? Or i this just one of those quirks that I have that one day someone will see and love?

I'm gonna go with the last one. Besides, it's what sets me apart from everyone else I know, and I like that!

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