Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Best Movie I've Ever Seen...


I wouldn't even know how to narrow this down to 1.

But I can tell you about my all time favorite scene from a movie.

The scene comes from the movie Witness (1985) staring Harrison Ford.

The movie in and of itself is nothing epic, there are no special effects, it was not #1 in the box office and it did not win best picture, but this one scene makes it worth watching.

The movie takes place in rural Pennsylvania on an Amish farm. At one point in the movie one of the farmers is in trouble. The 'danger' kind of trouble. Anyone else in the world would call 911 in this type of situation, but they are Amish, no phones. At this point the grandfather signals to his grandson to ring a large bell mounted to the side of the house. The boys rings the bell about 5 times and what happens next takes my breath away every time I see it. The camera pans out and you see farmers from all of the nearby farms drop whatever farm tool they are holding and begin to run. The bell ringing at this particular time in the day signaled the need for help and these neighbors did not hesitate in answering the call. There is something so beautiful about this scene. A true depiction of community and unity among these people brings tears to my eyes whenever I see it.

At times I have watched this and thought "I wish I lived in a community like this," but then it occurred to me...I do!!! My community is my friends and family, and let me tell you they are some of the best!!! I have had moments in my life when I needed them immediately and they came running. Whether the need was emotional, physical, spiritual, or all of thee above, they have been there and I am confident they will continue to be there in the future.

Today was one of those days. I was a slug today. I slept in way too late and then continued to lie in bed after I was awake for much longer. I finally drug myself out of bed, went downstairs and then sat on the couch for what seemed like forever. I know that some days this sounds great, but not today. It was putting me in a funk. The more I sat, alone, the more down I felt. I needed someone. I drug myself out of the house to a place where a friend was working. Upon my arrival I walked up to him and simply said "I need human contact." He smiled, he new exactly what I needed. I sat down and started talking, we talked for the next few hours, about anything and everything. Then I went over to his home for dinner, spent time with his wife (A fantastic cook and just an awesome person in general) and helped put the kids to bed. It was like therapy. I have plans tomorrow to ensure this does not happen again.

These are the ways people run to my rescue. My friends know me. A simple sentence about needing human contact is translated to them as a warning bell that I need something and they answer to that call. They respond with a smile, good conversation, food and love. It's people like these that you want around you.

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