Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I think in harmonies...

When working with some fellow worship leaders on bringing up some new singers a name was brought up and my friend commented "She's just like you Marti, she thinks in harmonies."

It's so true, I think in harmonies. When hearing a song, I will automatically go to the harmony. I sing along with most songs using harmony, I always want it to be there and I always think it sounds awesome! When I think of the word harmony i can't help but notice how much my love for harmony in music parallels in my life. defines harmony as:
the simultaneous combination of tones, especially when blended into chords pleasing to the ear; chordal structure, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.

This is so true about my life as well. Melodies are beautiful, but without the combination, dissonance and rich tones of harmony the song would sound very plain and not quite as beautiful. Harmonies are used to enhance something. Like me. I am not the norm. I do not go about things like most people. My life is like a harmony. The way I do things, the way I think and work through things, and the way I interact with others is different. But I feel like that difference is a harmony. A compliment to the way the rest of the world works in a way that makes it more beautiful. If everyone did things the same way this world would be very plain, it's the "harmonies" who think and do things outside of the box that make this word more interesting.

I'm OK with being different, it's my different-ness that makes this world better. It allows people to see a bigger, richer way to life then the "same old, same old." Sometimes there may be dissonance, which at first may not sound so wonderful. But dissonance in itself can be amazingly beautiful, and the resolution after, which brings out it's true beauty shows the need for it in the first place!

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