Friday, August 3, 2007

Air Conditioning

My air conditioning is broken. (Things breaking seems to be a theme in my life this week) I know most of you are wondering why this bothers me since I don't use my air conditioner. That's just the thing, today was going to be the day, the day when I stop sweating my butt of for the sake of saving money. I'll admit that I'm not a huge fan of air conditiong and normally I'd avoid it, but it's going to be really hot today and I figured I'd treat myself to some air conditioning while I'm stuck in my house doing some really stressful school work (which will require a hot lap top to be on my lap for several hours)
I called my dad because I know he knows an air conditioning guy that he trusts.

This man is on vacation....vacation!....while my airconditer is broken!

I think air conditioning repair men should not be allowed to go on vacation during the summer!

Lets face it, that's like an army medic going on vacation in the middle of a war!

(OK i think the heat may be getting to me head now!)

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