Sunday, August 21, 2011

For the Kids...

It's that time of year again.

Children are buzzing with excitement about going back to school, purchasing school supplies, buying a new book bag, and finding out who has what teacher! I remember this being a very exciting time.

Now I'm on the teacher side of this and I admit that my excitement level is not as high as the kids. I don't really want to go back, summer is so relaxing! The one thing that does motivate me a bit to get started is setting up my classroom. I love organizing, and this is the perfect time of year to organize. All throughout the last school year things have gotten switched around, moved, misplaced and thrown about. Now is this time to get things back in order! Lets face it, if it's not organized by the time the kids show up, it never will be!!!

Like the students there are some things that I needed to buy for this year so this weekend I did my "back to school" shopping. This is where the problem begins. I'm an impulse buyer. Stores are full of things I never new I had to have. Today I went to Jo Ann fabrics for 2 things I needed and bought 7 other things. I also went to Staples and left with 6 more things then were on my original list. The problem is I can always justify this in my head....

It's for the kids!

Everywhere I go I see things that would either make them happy, make their lives easier, or be just plain old fun! Their lives are hard enough and I look at my job as not only teaching them but making their lives better, easier and full of more joy than before. How can I turn down these purchases?

In writing that sounds very nice, but today I justified buying fake leaves, magnets, hooks and storage containers. Lets face it, these are all things that will make MY life easier and more joyful. The kids could care less if all their things are hung with matching magnets or stored in neatly organized containers.

I mean come on Marti, they're blind, they can't see it anyway!!!

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