Wednesday, August 31, 2011 observation.

So recently I've been seeing a lot of stray shoes along the side of the road. This always makes me question "How did they get there?"

Is someone randomly driving down the street and their shoe just flies out the window? (Yes, usually it's just one stray shoe!) Was someone dangling there foot out the window of their car when their shoe suddenly fell off? Did they lose one foot in a tragic accident and the stress of it all cause them to violently throw their (now) footless shoe out the window while driving?

Seriously, how does this happen. I've seen at least 3 or 4 shoes in the road this past week. I myself know the stress of losing one shoe. I spent the last 3 months looking for a lost shoe, yup, just one. I had the right one, but could not locate the left one. At least I had an excuse. My left foot spent like a bazillion years in a walking cast. (OK so maybe it wasn't a bazillion but it was pretty close to half a year!) I was only able to wear one shoe and in the craziness of it all one shoe was misplaced. I'm happy to report that the missing shoe was found last week. But I do feel bad for all the other shoe wearers out there who will be forever looking for a lost shoe that will never be found because it was misplaced on the side of Rt. 1.

Poor lonely shoe! I feel sorry for you!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yeah, I've noticed that too. I used to think "how the heck do you lose your shoe on the side of the road?!" Now, I think "What kind of friend throws your shoe out the window?!" Because I only assume someone was being stupid and did that on purpose.