Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kid In A Candy Store

I've heard several mothers complain over the years about the check out isles at grocery stores. Every time they go with their children, they get stuck in an isle, waiting, with all of the gum and candy a child could want staring back at them. The temptation is endless! Many of my mom friends were very excited when some stores started removing the candy from certain isles, giving them the choice to avoid the temptation.

Every time I would hear someone bring this up I would think about how little of an issue this is for me. I do not have a sweet tooth. Now if every check out isle had french fries staring back at me, I'd be in a huge mess of trouble!!! After all they are my biggest weakness.

Then this afternoon I realized I have a huge exception to my non-sweet tooth. Trader Joe's Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Bars. For some reason whenever I'm there I can not resist them. I have turned into that kid in the grocery store that can't look away in the checkout isle. Without thinking I grab one on my way to the register each and every time. This needs to stop! I have no control. They are my one weakness when it comes to sweets. I guess it could be worse, they could actually be french fries! Then I'd be screwed!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wawa sells a three pack of Peanut Chews for a quarter. I've only given in once in the last six months, but every time I think about and have to make a deliberate decision not to buy it. So difficult. I love peanut chews and it's only a quarter.