Sunday, December 4, 2011


Friendship is an interesting thing.

It can be what you make of it, some people take it barely past the surface, but not me. I take it as deep as it can go. For me friends are more than just people I like spending time with. They are people I can be real with. My friends know me, the good and the bad. I want more than just surface friendships. It makes starting new ones difficult.

How do you get past that phase of getting to know the real you into the "these people really know me" phase? it's difficult for me and so I generally just don't make many new close friendships. Part of that is because I seem to have this aversion to people, but also because it's hard to find those special people who 1. I want to know and also 2. who I want to know me.

Recently I've been delving into the process of new friendships. It's been really good. I'm learning about other people, they're learning about me. We're having a blast together, we're being real with each other, They've talked a bit, I've talked quite a bit more (not hard for me to do.) One thing I'm realizing is that revealing yourself to someone else helps to reinforce who you are as a person. It's a great reminder of who I am, where I've come from, and where I want to go. It's also a great reminder of the things in my life that are important to me. Sharing yourself with someone puts you in a place where you're also real with yourself.

Today I was real with others and with myself. It was refreshing. I'm really loving this new friendship.

1 comment:

Mark said...

True. Revealing yourself not only reinforces who you are, but it helps you think about yourself. I learn from hearing myself talk. Kinda weird, but...