Wednesday, September 7, 2011

food for thought

I once heard a great quote from a friend of mine (actually the quote came via his wife but still, lets give credit where credit's due.)

"Your job doesn't have to be your calling, but it can pay for what you're called to do."

OK so this might be more of a paraphrase because I can't remember exactly how it was worded, but you get the idea. This really hit me hard. It's so true. I've met lots of people who fit into those two categories. So what do you do when your work gets in the way of what you feel you are supposed to do? This is my current dilemma, not in a huge way, but still something that's been bothering me. It's so frustrating. For the most part I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I have a great job, doing something I love that still allows me all nights, weekends, major holidays, and 10 weeks in the summer off to do the things I feel I was made for.

Now I'm asking for an extra day off. I realize that this is a lot to ask for given the amazing amount of time I already get off a year. Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful for that time. It's just that this is something I feel very strongly I'm supposed to do. That's where the dilemma begins. There is no easy answer to this question, it's a lot to think about.

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