Wednesday, August 31, 2011 observation.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Bed Time
Wawa Guy
Monday, August 29, 2011
Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Un-loved letters
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Now I know I'm not skinny, but...
Human Barometer
Monday, August 22, 2011
Late Night Conversations
Sunday, August 21, 2011
For the Kids...
Children are buzzing with excitement about going back to school, purchasing school supplies, buying a new book bag, and finding out who has what teacher! I remember this being a very exciting time.
Now I'm on the teacher side of this and I admit that my excitement level is not as high as the kids. I don't really want to go back, summer is so relaxing! The one thing that does motivate me a bit to get started is setting up my classroom. I love organizing, and this is the perfect time of year to organize. All throughout the last school year things have gotten switched around, moved, misplaced and thrown about. Now is this time to get things back in order! Lets face it, if it's not organized by the time the kids show up, it never will be!!!
Like the students there are some things that I needed to buy for this year so this weekend I did my "back to school" shopping. This is where the problem begins. I'm an impulse buyer. Stores are full of things I never new I had to have. Today I went to Jo Ann fabrics for 2 things I needed and bought 7 other things. I also went to Staples and left with 6 more things then were on my original list. The problem is I can always justify this in my head....
It's for the kids!
Everywhere I go I see things that would either make them happy, make their lives easier, or be just plain old fun! Their lives are hard enough and I look at my job as not only teaching them but making their lives better, easier and full of more joy than before. How can I turn down these purchases?
In writing that sounds very nice, but today I justified buying fake leaves, magnets, hooks and storage containers. Lets face it, these are all things that will make MY life easier and more joyful. The kids could care less if all their things are hung with matching magnets or stored in neatly organized containers.
I mean come on Marti, they're blind, they can't see it anyway!!!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Last December I had a horrific experience with Kidney Stones. I'll spare you most of the details but lets just say the excruciating pain, two ER visits, a 4 day hospital stay with surgery at the end and a 3 week recovery was brutal. I was told that my experience was much worst than most other kidney stone sufferers. After a battery of tests I was told that my stones were being produced by Oxalate, which is a substance found in...tea leaves!
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can't be possible!!! My #1 ingested beverage has caused this hell!!! What am I going to do. My Dr. told me that I needed to stop drinking iced tea. He quickly realized (by the look on my face) that this was not going to go over well. In the end he told me to reduce the amount I drink significantly. I'll admit that it was a little easier to swallow (no pun intended) knowing that I could still have some each day, just not 6 glasses.
8 months later and my confession to you is that I have not done so well in the weening off process. How is this going to be possible!?! I love it! It would seem that quitting anything could be easier than this. I crave the taste. I have to have it!
The past few days I haven't been feeling so well, run down, tired, and I've had some pain in my back. Instantly fear starts welling up inside me. Could this be happening again? Is this the beginning of a month of torture? Just the thought that it could be another stone has me feeling sick! It's then that I start bargaining with God. If this isn't what I think it is I promise I'll never drink iced tea again! How ridiculous is that. I know that God is not one to be bargained with and on top of that He's gracious enough that he could heal me no matter what I do in return.
Today I'm feeling ok. Energy level is a bit higher, my back still feels weird but the pain is on both sides now meaning that it would not be a stone. It's probably just another case of being a human barometer which is not surprising due to the large amount of extreme weather we've been having this week.
The sad part, I type this as I drink a large glass of...iced tea! What is wrong with me, why is this so hard to give up! I think I need a 12 step program!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The One With the Blackout
The power is out, it has been for several hours now and PECO is expecting it to be out for several more. I'm OK with this. I love blackouts!!!
There was a Friends episode once where the power went out. I loved this episode, it was one of my favorites. I lOve those experiences where something happens that stops the norm and causes people to slow down and find fun in the unusual. Tonight has been exciting for me. I can feel the buzz around me neighborhood. People wondering how long this will last. People drawn outside who would normally never step foot outdoor to talk to a neighbor. All around me is pitch black, the only light that can be seen is coming from the Comcast building. That along with the low buzz of their generators. Let's face it, the cable company can never be without power! They are hard at work right now!
I find the fact that they have power amusing. The Comcast building is sort of like the Mecca of my neighbor. Since moving here over a year ago I've had several people ask me where I now live. I give them the name of the town, neighborhood and street and they all respond saying "I don't know where that is.". But follow it up with "I'm one block away from the Comcast building" and everyone instantly can picture my street!
Tonigt was quiet. No TV, know radio, know loud neighbors music. Just me. I folded laundry, played guitar for a bit, read a book and listened to the crickets chirp. It was fun.
When I was in middle school a tornado went trough my hometown and we were without power for over 4 days. My family saw this as an adventure. I have a lot of fond memories of that time. I've also never been one to be scared of storms. I kind of like them, the bigger the better. When I was younger my dad and I used to love sitting on the porch during storms listenging to the rain and watching the clouds. I remembe the first time i was ever allowed to stay home without my parents and was put in harge of my sister and i, a storm came and a tree fell on our house. I was told i handled this situation like a champ!
Tonight was no different. I was driving home right about when the storm started. I purposefully took the long way, past the creek to see if it flooded, through the woods to see if any trees had fallen (to grandmothers house we go?). I'm not sure why bu I kind of enjoy the drama of a big storm. Maybe it's because my dad is an EMT and tends to go towards disasters, not away. We would always stop to watch a good fire, accident or tree through a house. There have been several times throughout m life that my dad has heard a call come through his radio about something that happened and he looks at me with a smile on his face and says "wanna go see?". Does this make me weird? Strange? A little twisted? Maybe. I'm not even sure what it is I like about it but I do.
Tonight was fun, some down branches, some flooding, and a power outage...what more could my twisted little heart ask for?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Mr. Eveready
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Best Movie I've Ever Seen...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Flesh and Bone
Oh Lord, I fear surrender
I fear Your splendor King
Oh God, I'm scared of our face
So afraid of Your grace on me
Oh and I just want to be free
Oh Lord I know Your glory
Reaches so far beyond me
And I am so unholy
I do not even deserve to see
All that Your precious glory can be
I am flesh and bone
It seems like nothing more while I am on this earth
I am flesh and I am bone
Destined to become a part of the dirt
Oh God is this all I'm worth,
A numbered days and a burial scene?
Oh God do I have a spirit?
Do I even have a soul worth saving?
If it's so can You please save me?
And me with all these questions
All alone in venerability
It was there I felt Your presence
Like a foreign weight upon me
It was then that I became free
I am flesh and bone in my own eyes
And now I see there is so much more
If my flesh and bone be my demise
Strip it off so I am only soul
Only Yours
Only Yours
I am letting go, this is surrender
I am not my own, only Yours
I am not simply flesh and bone
There is a fire in my soul, in my soul
I am not my own, this is surrender
Sunday, August 14, 2011's so much better live!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I think in harmonies...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A Career 1st
Monday, August 8, 2011
- Went to a friends house to watch a movie.
- Had a serious conversation that was great.
- Decided to watch a bit of the movie with low expectations, thought we watch about 20 minutes, then probably turn it off and go home (since our movie watching was delayed due to conversation.)
- Watched Arthur (It was surprisingly unexpected! Funny! Watched the entire thing!)
- Watched hysterically funny home videos (#2, #3, #4) of Abby's kids being crazy! (don't remember the last time I laughed that hard, my face and my stomach hurt, kept laughing on the way home.)
- Drove home listening to this song on repeat!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Sara J. and Sarah M.
- Rowan & Genevive (the girls)
- Remy & Andrew (OK so Andrew's not that unique but if you new his parents it's very unique for them)
- Skye (sister of the previously mentioned boys)
- Aquinnah (Michael J Fox's daughter, one of my absolute favorite names!)
- Addison
- Enoch (and his brother Orion)
- Jakin
- Greyson
- One of the blogs I follow is written by a mother with 3 awesomely named children Saylor, Raimy, and Renn.
- One of my favorite bands consists of Reeve and his brother Zane.
- Xander and Dwell (another set of twins!)
- Lightning (father of the previously mentioned twins)
- My sister is Jodi (not as unique as some but higher up on the list than most)